I learned to sew on a my grandmother's Singer treadle sewing machine. Not because we didn't have a newer one, but because I was fascinated by it. I started by sewing on paper without thread. My mother taught me to make the holes in a straight line. After I got the hang of that she gave me scraps of fabric to try sewing on - with thread!! I was so excited! When I was 10 years old she let me cut up my brothers old jeans into squares and I sewed them together to make the beginning of a quilt top. Throughout the years, she always made me un-pick all of my mistakes (so that I could learn from them) and she taught me that when it comes to hems on skirts and dresses; if it's a little bit uneven and someone's close enough to notice and comment on it ~ kick them (because they're too close).
I have been blogging since the Fall of '08. I recently made my family blog private so I started this blog to share my love of creating.